AR Weather App in Flutter using ARKIT — Lesson 7

Agnel Selvan
4 min readNov 12, 2022


In this lesson, we will be implementing placing the Weather Data Card on ARView.

Here is the structured course of this project.

Declaring Constants

  • Create a new constant.dart file.
class Constants {
///Model DIR
static const modelDir = "model.scnassets/";
/// Models Names
static const clear = "clear";
static const partiallyCloud = "partially_cloud";
static const cloudy = "cloudy";
static const rain = "rain";
static const snow = "snow";
static const thunder = "thunder";
static const sunny = "sunny";
/// Weather to Model
static String getModelsByWeatherCategory(String category) {
final categoryName = category.toLowerCase();
String modelPath = modelDir;
if (categoryName.contains("mist") ||
categoryName.contains("cloudy") ||
categoryName.contains("cloud")) {
modelPath += cloudy;
} else if (categoryName.contains("clear")) {
modelPath += clear;
} else if (categoryName.contains("partial")) {
modelPath += partiallyCloud;
} else if (categoryName.contains("rain")) {
modelPath += rain;
} else if (categoryName.contains("winter") ||
categoryName.contains("snow")) {
modelPath += snow;
} else if (categoryName.contains("thunder") ||
categoryName.contains("storm")) {
modelPath += thunder;
} else if (categoryName.contains("sunny") ||
categoryName.contains("summer")) {
modelPath += sunny;
return "$modelPath.dae";
  • Here we are declaring the model's dir and the model's name. getModelsByWeatherCategory method is used to get the model path based on the weather category we will be passing.
  • Once we hit Weather API, from the weather category we will be getting the model path.

On Node Tap Handler

  • Some code updation needs to be done in the onNodeTapHandler method
void onNodeTapHandler(List<String> nodesList) async {
final tappedAnchor = allAnchor
.where((element) => element.nodeName == nodesList.first)
if (currentWeather != null) {
} else {
const SnackBar(
content: Text("Please search for weather in a country"),
  • Here we are plotting on ARView only when the currentWeather data is not null or else we’ll show the error message to search for the weather.

Plotting Data on AR View

  • In this method drawing the Text, Model in AR View.
void _plotWeatherDataOnARKit(ARKitPlaneAnchor tappedAnchor) async {
const width = 0.25;
const height = 0.2;
final weatherPlane = ARKitPlane(
width: width,
height: height,
materials: [
transparency: 0.6,
diffuse: ARKitMaterialProperty.color(,
final weatherNode = ARKitNode(
geometry: weatherPlane,
vector.Vector3(, 0.01,,
rotation: vector.Vector4(1, 0, 0, -pi / 2),
arkitController.add(weatherNode, parentNodeName: tappedAnchor.nodeName);
final text = ARKitText(
"It's ${currentWeather?.current?.condition?.text} - ${searchController.text}",
extrusionDepth: 0.05,
materials: [
diffuse: ARKitMaterialProperty.color(Colors.white),
shininess: 0.2,
ambient: ARKitMaterialProperty.color(,
final textNode = ARKitNode(
geometry: text,
position: vector.Vector3( - (width / 2) + 0.02, 0.02, - 0.04),
rotation: vector.Vector4(1, 0, 0, -pi / 2),
scale: vector.Vector3(0.0015, 0.0015, 0.0015),
arkitController.add(textNode, parentNodeName: tappedAnchor.nodeName);
/// Date
final dateText = ARKitText(
text: "${currentWeather?.current?.lastUpdated}",
extrusionDepth: 0.05,
materials: [
diffuse: ARKitMaterialProperty.color(Colors.white),
shininess: 0.2,
ambient: ARKitMaterialProperty.color(,
final dateNode = ARKitNode(
geometry: dateText,
position: vector.Vector3( - (width / 2) + 0.02, 0.02, - 0.01),
rotation: vector.Vector4(1, 0, 0, -pi / 2),
scale: vector.Vector3(0.0008, 0.0008, 0.0008),
arkitController.add(dateNode, parentNodeName: tappedAnchor.nodeName);
/// Weather
final weatherText = ARKitText(
text: "${currentWeather?.current?.tempC}°C",
extrusionDepth: 0.05,
materials: [
diffuse: ARKitMaterialProperty.color(Colors.white),
shininess: 0.2,
ambient: ARKitMaterialProperty.color(,
final weatherDataNode = ARKitNode(
geometry: weatherText,
position: vector.Vector3( - (width / 2) + 0.02, 0.02, + 0.09),
rotation: vector.Vector4(1, 0, 0, -pi / 2),
scale: vector.Vector3(0.0055, 0.0055, 0.0055),
arkitController.add(weatherDataNode, parentNodeName: tappedAnchor.nodeName);
final model = Constants.getModelsByWeatherCategory(
currentWeather?.current?.condition?.text ?? "sunny");
final cloudNode = ARKitReferenceNode(
url: model,
position: vector.Vector3( + (width / 4), 0.1,,
scale: vector.Vector3(0.02, 0.02, 0.02),
eulerAngles: vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
arkitController.add(cloudNode, parentNodeName: tappedAnchor.nodeName);
await arkitController.playAnimation(
key: '',
sceneName: model,
animationIdentifier: model,

Drawing Text on AR

final text = ARKitText(
"It's ${currentWeather?.current?.condition?.text} - ${searchController.text}",
extrusionDepth: 0.05,
materials: [
diffuse: ARKitMaterialProperty.color(Colors.white),
shininess: 0.2,
ambient: ARKitMaterialProperty.color(,
final textNode = ARKitNode(
geometry: text,
position: vector.Vector3( - (width / 2) + 0.02, 0.02, - 0.04),
rotation: vector.Vector4(1, 0, 0, -pi / 2),
scale: vector.Vector3(0.0015, 0.0015, 0.0015),
arkitController.add(textNode, parentNodeName: tappedAnchor.nodeName);
  • Drawing the text, by giving the scale and position based on the tappedAnchor

Placing the Model

  • Getting the model path based on the weather searched by country.
  • Using ARKitReferenceNode, pass the modelPath to ARKitReferenceNode URL attribute and need to position the model dynamically, and then add it to arKitController.
final model = Constants.getModelsByWeatherCategory(
currentWeather?.current?.condition?.text ?? "sunny");
final cloudNode = ARKitReferenceNode(
url: model,
position: vector.Vector3( + (width / 4), 0.1,,
scale: vector.Vector3(0.02, 0.02, 0.02),
eulerAngles: vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
arkitController.add(cloudNode, parentNodeName: tappedAnchor.nodeName);

Adding Animation to Model

  • For playing the animation you just need to call the playAnimation method in arKitController by passing the model path to play the animation.
await arkitController.playAnimation(
key: '',
sceneName: model,
animationIdentifier: "random",



Agnel Selvan
Agnel Selvan

Written by Agnel Selvan

A person who is learning Flutter Development, Shaders, OpenGL, and Augmented Reality.

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