Desktop app in Flutter SetUP
1. Switch the Flutter channel to master.
run in your terminal
$ flutter channel master
2. Run command in terminal
$ flutter upgrade
Enabling the desktop in flutter( Windows )
$ flutter config — enable-windows-desktop
Enabling the desktop in flutter( Linux )
$ flutter config — enable-linux-desktop
Enabling the desktop in flutter( MacOS )
$ flutter config — enable-macos-desktop
3. Install Visual Studio in your computer
— Click on the link and open the website
— Click on the system requirements below the Step 1 highlight word to install Visual Studio based on your system.
— My device supports Visual Studio 2019
— Check Desktop development with C++ and also check MSVC, Windows 10 SDK, C++ CMake which is on extreme right
— click on Modify or Install option will be there.
4. Run Flutter doctor in terminal
$ flutter doctor
5. Enable Development mode in Windows.
6. Create a flutter project , navigate to folder and run
$ flutter create my_app
$ cd my_app
$ flutter run -d windows
and you are ready to go 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀